Last weekend I was home in Inwood, Manhattan, for a few days before a conference trip.Visiting during theater season inevitably includes watching the plays, being an extraordinarily energetic audience member, and helping to pack up the sound, lights, and set equipment (really only a little bit, since my mother, the technical director, has superb help…
Resurrecting a “Dead” Object: Bruce Campbell on the Mexican School
Bruce Campbell argues in “Mexican Murals in Times of Crisis”, that conflating the Mexican School with all muralism creates a false narrative where it seems like muralism has died altogether since 1940. The Mexican School existed during the period of 1920s-1940s state sponsored muralism primarily led by Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, and José Clemente…
Mass Publics and Spectacular Citizenship: The American Music Festival
So it is probably a little wanky to start off a blog on urban rhetoric by thinking about music festivals, but I am presenting a paper on the subject next week end, so as I fine tune, I will think out loud. Hakim Bey argues in Temporary Autonomous Zone: “Like festivals, uprisings cannot happen every…
About K.U.R.- Willkommen. Bienvenue. Welcome. C’mon in.
About KUR: This is a blog about the different ways that existing as a public being means being impacted by varying communicative elements, be they visual, aural, tactile, accidental, irritating, olfactory, or delicious, and the way that these generate a sense of being in, or out, or somewhere in between community. So rhetoric in this…
Mills Response 3.25.08
Charles W. Mills to me show details 10:45 am (2 days ago) Reply Hi Caitlin: No, I didn’t know (by coincidence I came to work a while agoand found an e-mail from a guy called Deven, who says they just won CDA[?]–maybe it’s they?). I don’t agree that WS should be a “prior” issuefor every…
solvency article for the rawa aff 1Re-Veiling:The ProblematicRhetoric ofWesternInvestment in theAfghan Women’sMovementbyHolly JohnsonCOL 633PsychoanalyticCriticism: Rhetoric,Psychoanalysis andPoliticsProfessors ErnestoLaclau and Joan CopjecDecember 20, 20022It Comes as a PackageOn November 21 of this year during The MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour, Anne TaylorFleming delivered an essay entitled “Faces of Women” in which she “considers therelationship between burqas and botox” (Fleming). She…